Host a Sport Camp in Your RegionPremiers Awards2025-01-08T12:43:44-07:00
We invite First Nations, Métis Chartered Communities, Friendship Centres and other not-for-profit Indigenous organizations to request to host Youth Sport Development Camps, Coaching Certification Courses, and/or Officials Training Sessions in their community/Centre.
Request to Host a Sport Camp in your Community
I·SPARC invites First Nations, Métis Chartered Communities, Friendship Centres and other not-for-profit organizations serving Indigenous youth from across the province to apply to host any of the following:
- Youth Sport Development Camps – these sport camps are community-based programs in a sport of your community’s choice that can range from a one-time “Try-it” event up to multi-week sport development sessions.
If your community is interested in hosting a coach/leader development clinic/workshop, please submit an application today! |
Request to Host a Coach/Leader or Officials Training/Development Clinic
Supporting sustainability and capacity-building through the development of coaches and leaders within Indigenous communities is a priority goal within our provincial strategy. I·SPARC invites First Nations, Métis Chartered Communities, Friendship Centres and other not-for-profit organizations serving Indigenous youth from across the province to apply to host a coach/leader or officials development clinic or workshop:
- Coach/Leader Certification or Training Course – in-person or online. There are several coach or leader development courses or workshops currently available either in-person or in an online delivery format (e.g. Zoom) through our partners*. The list below is non-exhaustive, below are some examples:
- Officials Development Courses
If your community is interested in hosting a coach/leader development clinic/workshop, please submit an application today! |
Vancouver Coastal Regional Coordinator
Pete Natrall
Vancouver Island Regional Coordinator
Shelby Ordano
250.856.0864 |