Born out of a partnership between SportMedBC, UBC and Healthy Hearts Society, I∙SPARC’s HealthBeat is a complementary program offered to the following Healthy Living programs: Indigenous RunWalkWheel, Honour Your Health Challenge, and FitNation.

HealthBeat raises awareness of the power of physical activity by offering screenings that allow participants to learn about their physical health regarding heart disease, diabetes, and cancer as well as experience the positive benefits of regular physical activity.

Participants are tested before and after multi-week programs, allowing them to track tangible health improvements as a result of their increased physical activity.

Pre and post screenings include:

  • Risk factors for heart disease and diabetes
  • Screening for colon, breast, and cervix cancer
  • Mental wellness assessment tool
  • Blood pressure and grip strength test
  • Total cholesterol, good cholesterol, bad cholesterol, non-fasting blood glucose, and A1C measurements
  • 6-minute aerobic fitness test
  • Wellness Consultation and review of results

I·SPARC’s HealthBeat team has worked with communities to host independent HealthBeat screenings. Upon request, local health professionals are trained and provided access to HealthBeat’s equipment rental program to support the screenings. The aim of this initiative is sustainability and to expand the reach of HealthBeat in communities across BC.

Since 2011, HealthBeat has screened over 2000 participants across the province! Many of these participants have experienced positive health changes after the program, including increased aerobic fitness, increased muscular strength, and improvements in blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

If you are a Healthy Living Leader who would like to bring HealthBeat to your community, intake occurs each fall.

I·SPARC is committed to continuously developing and improving our practices and resources to reflect the most up to date research. Therefore, please note that HealthBeat screenings no longer include BMI and waist circumference measurements.

HealthBeat Resources

I∙SPARC’s HealthBeat handouts were carefully designed to focus on holistic health and cultural ways of wellness in the areas of blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, mental wellness, physical activity, nutrition, sleep, and stress. The handouts were designed by Felicia Greekas, graphic designer, and content was created in collaboration with:

  • Rachel Dickens, Registered Dietician
  • Fiona Devereaux, Registered Dietician & Trained Herbalist
  • Robynne Edgar, Trained Herbalist
  • Dr. Lisa Gunderson, Registered Clinical Counsellor (content pulled from previous teachings)

Click the image to view the PDF version to download.
