Resilient, Inspire, Strength and Engage

Getting active and creating life changing experiences for Children and Youth in and out of Care


The Province of British Columbia and the Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council (I·SPARC) believe in the power of sport, physical activity, recreation, and culture.  They build strong individuals and healthy communities by creating a sense of belonging, developing life skills, and self-confidence.  However, the reality is that financial pressures mean many children and youth are unable to participate in sport, recreation, physical activity and cultural opportunities. These financial pressures are heightened for children and youth in and from government care.

The RISE Grants will support ALL Children and Youth in and out of Care, who wish to participate in a sport, physical activity, recreation, and/or cultural program opportunity.

If you can answer YES to the following, PLEASE APPLY:

  • I currently live in British Columbia
  • I am Under 27 years of age. (Born in 1997 or later as of December 31, 2023)
  • I am/was formally enrolled in one of the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development or Delegated Aboriginal Agency Legal Status, or the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction Child in Home of Relative program *
  • I will use the funding to support my participation in sport, physical activity, recreation and/or cultural programs.

*Legal Statuses include:

Adoption, Continuing Custody Order with a Director, Extended Family Plan, Interim Custody Order with a Director, Interim Custody Order with person other than a parent, Permanent Transfer of Custody Order with person other than a parent Special Needs Agreement, Temporary Custody Order, Temporary Transfer of Custody Order, Under the Guardianship of a Director – Adoptions Act, Under the Guardianship of a Director – Infants Act, Voluntary Care Agreement, Youth Agreement


Grants of up to $1,000 per individual per calendar year may be used to support one or more of the following:

Program Fees

Participant/Registration fees for organized sport, physical activity, recreation, and cultural activities.

Activities timelines can range in length from weekend, one week, 12-week programs or ongoing activities that take place throughout the year.

Equipment Cost

The purchase of equipment to support a program activity including but not limited to: sport equipment required to participate, activity shoes, sport accessories, or other specialized clothing (e.g. Traditional clothing), etc.

Travel Cost

Where travel outside of the community of residence is required to participate, reimbursement of fuel or transportation costs. Round trip must exceed 50km.

(Note: Accommodation costs are not eligible)

**Please note: we will not retroactively fund activities, equipment purchases or transportation costs**

Travel Reimbursement Grid

Activity Length Over 50 km Over 75km Over 100km
Weekend to one-week activities $25 $40 $50
Up to 12-week program activities $100 $200 $300
Ongoing program participation $250 $350 $500



Application Process

Applications are received and reviewed on an ongoing basis from January to November of the current year and must be received prior to, or at the beginning of the requested season of sport.  Applications submitted where the program has concluded will not be reviewed.

The application processing time may take up to 30 DAYS to receive a reply.

Grant Distribution

  • Approved registration fees for program activities will be paid directly to the organization delivering the activity.
  • Approved equipment and travel costs will be paid directly to the approved participant.
  • The Grant funding must be utilized by the participant and only for the activities approved in the application. No portion of the Grant funding may be transferred to another individual.

Grant Review

I·SPARC reserves the right to audit and follow up with Applicants on their experience with the program. Applicants receiving funds for programs, equipment, and/or travel may be required to provide proof of purchase and/or participation.  Receipts and record for activities must be kept for up to one year from the date of the activity for which funding is granted.

Please note that should it be discovered, through audit or other means, that funding received under this Grant program was utilized for activities other than approved spending, I·SPARC reserves the right to recover the Grant funding allocated to recipients by any legal means available.

For questions and inquiries please contact:

Grant Manager