Provincial Host Call Out for the 2018/19 BC Indigenous Provincial Athlete Development Camps & Championships

The Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council (I∙SPARC) is seeking First Nations, Friendship Centres & Metis Chartered Communities to host the 2018/19 BC Indigenous Provincial Athlete Development Camps and Championships.

The Provincial Camps series will consist of a provincial athlete development camp delivered for each of the following sports:

  • 3-D Archery*
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Badminton
  • Lacrosse
  • Rifle Shooting*
  • Softball
  • Swimming
  • Volleyball
  • Wrestling

*3-D Archery and Rifle Shooting will be a combined Camp and Championships format; Day 1 will be Skills Development and Day 2 will be a Championship.

The Provincial Championships series will consist of a provincial championship delivered for each of the following sports:

  • Canoe/Kayak
  • Golf
  • Soccer

The BC Indigenous Provincial Championships and Athlete Development Camps are an important component of the Provincial Strategy for Aboriginal Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity.  The events provide a unique opportunity for Indigenous athletes and coaches from First Nations, Métis Chartered Communities and Friendship Centres throughout the province to gather and compete in events that promote sport excellence while celebrating cultural unity and pride.

These Championships and Camps have been strategically established to support Indigenous athlete development in sports featured in the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) and other elite competitions.  Committed to establishing a consistent, comprehensive Indigenous Team BC program that results in increased participation and better preparation, I∙SPARC has established a Team BC Work Group who has, in turn, formed Provincial Sport Committees that will maintain oversight of the Provincial Championships and Development Camps.

The Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council and its Provincial Sport Committees are conducting the Host Application Process for communities and Friendship Centres applying for the opportunity to host a 2018/19 BC Indigenous Provincial Championships or Athlete Development Camp.

The Provincial Sport Committees will select the host communities based on experience and preparedness criteria.  Successful hosts will have a dedicated individual to serve as event coordinator, available facilities, a strong volunteer base, past hosting experience, etc. required to host a Provincial Camp.  The selection process will also consider the importance of having events delivered in different communities throughout the province (while also considering accessibility) and in regions where that particular sport has a strong history and presence.

To support the planning and delivery of the events, I∙SPARC will issue Hosting Grants to the host to help offset the majority if not all of the core operating costs for hosting a Provincial Camp.  However, those considering the opportunity to host Camp must also evaluate their ability to contribute resources to the planning and delivering the event through their own resources (e.g. host contribution to support funds, revenue from sponsorship, registration fees, volunteer resources, value-in-kind donations, etc.).

Application Forms
To apply to host an event within the 2018/19 series of BC Indigenous Provincial Championships or Camps, please complete the Host Application Forms below.

Provincial Athlete Development Camps:

Provincial Championships:

Applications must be received before 4:00 pm (PST), Friday April 20, 2018.

For more information please contact:
Dianne Garner
Provincial Coordinator, Sport Development and Community
T: 604.798.4519

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