Become an Indigenous RunWalk or Honour Your Health Challenge Leader!

The Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council (I·SPARC) is excited to announce the registration for the 2024 Regional Healthy Living Leader Training sessions is now OPEN! Join us for two days filled with learning, movement, and laughter. These sessions are complimentary for those working within Indigenous communities who want to deliver an Honour Your Health Challenge or Indigenous RunWalkWheel program.

Healthy Living Leader Training is open to individuals who are interested in promoting health and wellness within their community, schools, Friendship Centres, Métis Chartered Communities, recreation centres, health centres, workplaces, or Indigenous organizations.

If you’re brand new to leader training, welcome to our healthy living family! For new leaders, both days of training are mandatory. We have a jam packed agenda, and you won’t want to miss a single minute of all the fun!

For return leaders, please join us at 1pm on the first day of training to receive brand new content for your healthy living program and to reconnect with your healthy living family.

At the conclusion of training, all participants are eligible for up to $1000 in grant support for their Indigenous RunWalk or Honour Your Health Challenge program.

CLICK HERE to Register for Leader Training

New to our Registration System? 

  • Click on the link above
  • If you attended our leader training last year, please use your username and password
    • There is an option to reset your password if needed, or contact for your username or password
  • If you are new to this system, please create an account

Once logged in you can choose either the Indigenous RunWalk or Honour Your Health Challenge program (see below for program details)

Registration closes on September 13th, 2024.

Dates and Locations

Additional Program Information

As part of I·SPARC’s Healthy Living Activities, our Leader Training Sessions offer two days of workshops; providing participants with the tools and resources to deliver their own Healthy Living programs in their communities. Participants have the option of training in either the Indigenous RunWalkWheel or the Honour Your Health Challenge:

After completing training, all participants are eligible to apply for up to $1000 in grant support of their Indigenous RunWalkWheel or Honour Your Health Challenge program.

Indigenous RunWalkWheel

Lead your participants in an 8 – 13 week training program, preparing for a 5 or 10 km run/walk/wheel event.

Honour Your Health Challenge

Develop your own program focused on physical activity, healthy eating, respecting tobacco or healthy families – past programs include creating a community cookbook, “Family Fitness Fridays,” planting medicinal tea gardens, “Kick the Nic” tobacco program, “Moccasin Mamas,” and many more.