AHLA Main PageI∙SPARC’s Healthy Living is a provincially funded program designed to bring together community leaders and individuals who are passionate about health and wellness and to promote healthy living in four key areas:

  1. Physical Activity
  2. Healthy Eating
  3. Respecting Tobacco
  4. Healthy Communities

In 2011/12, I∙SPARC successfully completed its first year as the administrative body of the Healthy Living programs. The initiatives reached over 5000 Indigenous people throughout the province, and participation levels have steadily increased ever since. To date, I∙SPARC Healthy Living has trained over 3,400 Healthy Living Leaders, delivering over 2,300 healthy living programs, reaching over 73,000 participants across the province!

I∙SPARC continues to focus on increasing capacity within Indigenous communities and Friendship Centres to develop and deliver innovative, needs-based, and culturally responsive programs that improve the health and well-being of Indigenous people across British Columbia.

Healthy Living Initiatives:

  • Healthy Living Leader Training Sessions
  • Indigenous RunWalkWheel
  • HealthBeat
  • Honour Your Health Challenge
  • FitNation
  • Community Grants
  • Gathering Our Voices
  • Food Systems Program

I∙SPARC collaborates with partner agencies in the planning and delivery of initiatives to ensure that Indigenous people are either leading or being mentored as future leaders of training, program design, and delivery.

Contact the Healthy Living Team

If you would like more information, please contact a member of the Healthy Living team below:

Robynne Edgar

Director, Healthy Living

P: 250.858.6383

Amanda de Faye

Manager, Healthy Living Program Operations

P: 778.995.9593

Susan Meier

Provincial Coordinator, Indigenous RunWalkWheel

P: 604.763.4134

Ryan Ryan

Provincial Coordinator, Physical Activity, Training
& Development

P: 250.856.0864


Julie Seal

Provincial Coordinator, Health Beat

P: 250.856.0872

Dwayne Roberts

Project Manager, School Physical Activity &
Physical Literacy

P: 416.804.8673

Beangka Elliott

Programs Manager, Food Systems Program

P: 250.856.1095

Sonja Grosse-Broemer

Provincial Coordinator,
Food Systems Program

P: 250.856.0874


Manager of Community Engagement, Food
Systems Program

Annalynn Prince

Administrative Assistant

P: 778.927.0018

Pauline Johnson

Project Coordinator, Tobacco Cessation & Physical Activity